We specialize in providing cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety, traumatic stress, and depression

Our Services

  • We offer a free, 15-minute phone consultation prior to scheduling an assessment session. During this call, we will briefly discuss your reasons for seeking treatment, our fees, and match you with a therapist.

  • We offer 50-minute weekly individual therapy for individuals struggling with anxiety (e.g., social anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD/traumatic stress, or depression.

  • We reserve a few therapy slots specifically for teens and young adults who are struggling with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, traumatic stress, or depression.

  • We offer a cognitive-behavioral and acceptance-based treatment (Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy) for couples experiencing relationship distress and dissatisfaction.

  • Given our staff’s expertise, we offer short-term consultation for mental health providers applying exposure therapy and CBT. All of our staff are experienced trainers and supervisors.

    We have particular expertise in associative learning models of exposure therapy (inhibitory learning/inhibitory retrieval models). Several members of our team are active in research examining associative learning models of exposure therapy, and regularly supervise and train providers in providing exposure therapy from an inhibitory learning/inhibitory retrieval model. Contact us to learn more.


  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    CBT is the gold-standard treatment approach for anxiety, PTSD/traumatic stress, and depression. CBT may involve examining how our thoughts and beliefs contribute to our distress, changing our behaviors (e.g., reducing avoidance), or learning skills to manage distress. All our staff are experts in CBT.

  • Exposure Therapy

    Exposure therapy is a type of CBT that involves systematically facing situations, thoughts, memories, or physical sensations that produce anxiety or distress so that we can learn that certain feared outcomes are unlikely to occur. Decades of research supports the use of exposure therapy for anxiety and PTSD/traumatic stress. We know it can sound difficult, but many of our staff specialize in exposure therapy and will help guide you through treatment in a warm and supportive manner.

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

    Cognitive Processing Therapy is a type of CBT specifically designed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Traumatic experiences can have a profound effect on beliefs about yourself, others, and the world (e.g, “The world is a dangerous place. I must be on guard at all times”). CPT involves examining the impact of trauma on your beliefs, and developing new thoughts and beliefs that are more balanced and accurate. All of our staff are experts in CPT.

  • Behavioral Activation

    When you are depressed, you might withdraw from activities you used to enjoy. In addition, sometimes even engaging in these activities doesn’t bring the same level of enjoyment or you don’t feel motivated to engage in valued activities. Behavioral activation involves systematically engaging in valued or pleasant activities, and re-training your self to enjoy these experiences. Behavioral activation is a core element of evidence-based treatments for depression.

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is the process of training our mind to attend more fully to the present moment, and to disentangle our mind from negative and intrusive thoughts. There is increasing evidence that mindfulness training can be an effective treatment for anxiety and depression, and your therapist can discuss whether mindfulness training might be a helpful addition to your treatment.

  • Emotion Regulation Skills

    Emotion regulation skills refer to skills for managing distress and increasing positive emotions. This might involve skills for reducing anger or anxiety, increasing relaxation, tolerating negative emotions, or self-soothing. Your therapist can discuss whether emotion regulation skills might be a useful adjunct to the core elements of CBT such as exposure or behavioral activation.

  • Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy

    Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT) is a cognitive-behavioral and acceptance-based treatment for helping couples better understand their differences and building empathy for each other in order to make lasting change. IBCT aims to help a couple move from "my side of the story" and "your side of the story" to "our story." Research has shown IBCT to be an effective treatment for improving relationship satisfaction for most couples with serious relationship difficulties.